USABL league play could be anywhere from Union, Morris, or Essex County. Tournaments generally are played in Somerset County. Generally, USABL releases tournament schedules 10 days before the event date, we will be sure to alert you as soon as the schedule is made public. 

Gamechanger, email, group texts & phone. We will share the coaching staff numbers before each season and each Iron Nine team will have their own Gamechanger chat along with a group text as well. Be sure to give us as much notice as possible around late arrivals, missed games, etc.

While it is obviously not required you make every game, we expect/hope that all our players can make our weekendgames&tournaments. We firmly believe that these games are a great chance for us to evaluate and tailor our feedback to players.

Grow, develop and have fun! We’d like for our players to stick together for years to come, create memories, and progress throughout their perspective seasons.

Hitting. Pitching. Fielding. Tailored and targeted practice sessions with a strong player: coach ratio. We will not go through the motions!

Roughly 30-40 minutes before. Do not rush, we are flexible. Head coaches use Gamechanger to indicate arrival times.